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divendres, 8 de juny del 2012

The Old Operating Theatre

Last march I went to London and I visited a very interesting place. Is not a ordinary place to visit if you came from another country. But I like special places!

I'm a nurse and I like to know old histories and discover how people did things. I visited the old operating theatre in London, very close to the Tower Bridge. It was built in 1821, when anesthesia or antiseptics wasn't in use!

It was sited in the top of a church, below the roof, to had enough light to work. At first you could smell a kind of a bouquet of aromatic herbs, because the herbalist was placed near the operating room.

There were two operating tables: an ironed one for children and a wooden one for adults.

Visitors accessed the herbalist or the operating room climbing up the narrow spiral staircase.

 I especially liked the old pottery and glass bottles.


 I will show you more pictures the next time! See you soon!


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